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Oxford Phonics World 1 - ot

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Two men have rods. One man has a net.
Two men have rods. One man has a net.
There is a green frog on the log.
There is a green frog on the log.
There is a dog under the cot.
There is a dog under the cot.
There is a dog on the mat.
There is a dog on the mat.
There are many fish in the net.
There are many fish in the net.
The top can spin fast.
The top can spin fast.
The rabbit can hop.
The rabbit can hop.
The mop is wet.
The mop is wet.
The man wearing a cap can mop.
The man wearing a cap can mop.
Oh no! The man can't swim!
Oh no! The man can't swim!
The frog is on the log.
The frog is on the log.
The frog has a hat and a rod.
The frog has a hat and a rod.
The big fish is in the net.
The big fish is in the net.
She likes to hop.
She likes to hop.
The balloon pops.
The balloon pops.
The kangaroo hops.
The kangaroo hops.
I can see one red top and one yellow top.
I can see one red top and one yellow top.
He feels hot. He is mopping the floor.
He feels hot. He is mopping the floor.
He can mop the ship.
He can mop the ship.
The balloon pops!
The balloon pops!
It can hop on one leg.
It can hop on one leg.
The top spins very fast.
The top spins very fast.
The dog has a mop.
The dog has a mop.