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Grammar abilities check

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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There ... ... cupcakes in the fridge but I really need something sweet right now!
aren`t any
isn`t any
aren`t some
aren`t no
My mum ... dark brown hair and blue eyes.
has got
have got
This computer is really slow! - I know. I ... .... a new one next month.
I`m going to buy
I`ll buy
I`m buying
I bought
Our train ... ... by the time we got to the station.
had left
has left
did left
What ... your mum ... for dinner?
has your mum cooked
did your mum cooked
have your mum cooked
does your mum cooks
What ... you ... at 10 o`clock last night?
were you doing
did you do
was you doing
do you do
They ... to a restaurant yesterday but they ... an amusement park.
didn`t go; visited
didn`t went; visited
didn`t went; visit
don`t go; visit
On Monday afternoon, Harry usually ... but today he ... Youtube videos.
goes to the gym; is watching.
is going to the gym; watches.
go; watch.
goes; watching
What are the people in your apartment doing at the moment? 5 sentences
Open the last photo on your phone and describe it to your partner. Let your partner draw it. Then compare.
Describe somebody we both know in order to guess.
Tell 3 things you have never done in your life but would like to try.
What plans have you got for the upcoming summer?
How did you celebrate your last birthday? 10 sentences
Show and tell about your favourite object in the house. How do you use it? How did you get it? Characteristics?
Describe your ordinary day at school in 10 sentences.