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Grade 6 - Q2 Study game

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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If the volume of a rock is 55 and the mass is 5, what would the density be?
What does my ecological footprint measure?
It measures the amount of the earths resources I occupy to live.
Give an example of 3 tranformations of energy which occurs in cars.
Chemical to kinetic (fuel to car), chem to therm (fuel to heater), chem to lum (battery to lights))
What is matter?
Anything that has mass and volume.
If I go to the moon, does my mass change? Explain.
My mass remains the same because the amount of matter i have doesn't change, my weight does change because there is less gravity.
Why does leaving trees and vegetation protect soil?
The trees hold the soil in place, stopping water from moving it and causing mudslides.
How can we protect soil from another disaster like la gasca?
Don't remove the trees and vegetation.
How is soil formed? Where does it come from?
Soil comes from rocks. Water breaks down rocks in to smaller pieces until its becomes mulch and humus. It becomes fertil and deeper.
What is an action-at-a-distance force?
When 2 things interact without physical contact. GRAVITY
What is a contact force?
When 2 things interact by physical contact
What are the 2 types of forces?
By contact - at a distance.
How does a human transform their energy? Give 3 examples.
Kinetic to thermal rubbing our hands, Chemical (from food) to kinetic (movement), Chemical (from food) to thermal (Warm blood)
How does a phone transform its energy? Give 3 examples.
Electrical to luminous in the screen/flash, chemical to electrical in the battery, electrical to kinetic in the speaker, Electrical to chemical when I charge it
What is the unit of measurement for liquid volume?
What is the unit of measurement for mass?
Grams, kilograms
What is an energy transfer? give an example.
When the same energy moves to a different object. E.g., Pushing someone. Kinetic energy from my arms makes them move.
What is an energy transformation? give an example.
When one type of energy becomes another type. E.g., rubbing your hands together and converting kinetic energy into thermal
What is a decomposer? Give an example.
A heterotrophic living being which decomposes organic material. E.g Fungi
What is a producer? Give an example.
An autotrophic living being which produces its own nutrients. E.g., plants, algae, trees
What is a consumer? Give an example of a consumer.
A heteotrophic living being which eats other living beings for energy. Humans, lions, tigers, bears, ants, etc.
What are the 3 feeding relationships?
Producers, consumers, and decomposer
Give 3 examples of things which have electrical energy.
phone, computer, ps4, headphones, mouse, microphone, etc
Give 3 examples of things which have chemical energy.
oil, coal, gas, food, fireworks, explosives, combustibles
What is thermal energy?
Energy of heat
Give 3 examples of things which have thermal energy.
fire, the sun, humans, lava, hot water, steam, computers and phones which have been on too long.
Give 3 examples of things which have luminous energy.
lightbulb, electronic screens, lamp, flashlight, fire, the sun, lava, etc.
Give 3 examples of things which have kinetic energy.
Person walking, plane flying, car driving, ball rolling, sound, anything moving.
What is electrical energy?
Energy of electricity and its movements
What is chemical energy?
Energy stored in matter
What is Luminous energy?
Energy of light
What is kinetic energy?
Energy of movement
Is salad a heterogeneous or homogeneous mixture?
Is orange juice a heterogeneous or homogeneous mixture?
Is pizza a heterogeneous or homogeneous mixture?
Is garbage a heterogeneous or homogeneous mixture?
Is a hamburger a heterogeneous or homogeneous mixture?
Is plastic a heterogeneous or homogeneous mixture?
Name an example of biotope I can find in the Liceo ecosystem.
Concrete, soil, Temperature, water, air, rocks, etc.
Name an example of biocenosis I can find in the Liceo ecosystem.
Humans, Birds, trees, grass, worms, flowers,
Name 3 examples of Chemical changes.
Burning paper, rotting banana, Fireworks, Metabolism, Oxidization, Mixing vinegar and baking soda, etc
Name 3 examples of physical changes.
Fold a paper, Shred a paper, Break a glass, melt an ice cube, Squash a paper, Roll a ball, Mix water and sugar, etc.
What are the 3 types of ecosystems?
Land, aquatic, mixed
How do I calculate density?
I divide the mass of something by it's volume
What is volume?
The amount of space an object occupies.
What is mass?
The amount of matter which is in an object.
What are the 3 R's?
Reuse, reduce, recycle.
How can I save energy? What habits can I change?
Walking to school instead of using a car. Turn off the lights if I'm not in the room. Take 5 minute showers. Unplugging electrical things I don't use, etc.
How can I save energy? What habits can I change?
If this question has come up before, points will only be given if the answer is not repeated.
How can I save energy? What habits can I change?
If this question has come up before, points will only be given if the answer is not repeated.
When a gas becomes a liquid, what is it called?
When a liquid becomes a gas, what is it called?
Vaporization (evaporation)
When a liquid becomes a solid, what is it called?
When a solid becomes a liquid, what is it called?
Mention 3 non renewable energies.
Coal, natural gas, Oil, Nuclear.
Mention 5 renewable energies.
Solar, wind, biomass, hydroelectric, geothermal
What is energy?
Energy is anything that can produce a change in matter.