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Hot Spot 2 End of Book Quiz

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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15. can you remember 3 things you can do at Funland?
horse riding, rafting, rollercoaster, Haunted Castle, picnic, go-karting
14.What are the names of these 2 places in New York?
The Statue of Liberty and the Empire State Building
13.What did the soldiers find in Guilliver's pockets?
comb, watch, diary, pistol
12. What is the name of this building. Can you remeber one thing you can see there?
The Tower of London. You can see the Crown Jewels and Beefeaters
11. Why doesn't Fiona like some food?
It's countable
10. What 2 things can you do in basketball and what 2 things can't you do?
You can catch and throw the ball, you can't kick and carry the ball.
9. Can you remember what 3 things Masami has to do at school?
He has to wear a school uniform, be at school at 8.30, change his shoes, greet the teacher with a bow, put his hand up, stand up, study 10 subjects, clean...
7. How old are these 2 people? What are their names?
Sally is 70 years old and Gina is 9 months old.
8. What are 3 bad things about living in the country?
It's more boring, it's more difficult to go shopping, it's more difficult to find friends.
6. Who is more hardworking - Nyree or Tamsin?
5. What are the names of the 6 foods in an English breakfast?
eggs, bacon, sausage, tomatoes, mushrooms and beans
4. What are these 4 things made of?
glass, plastic, cardboard and metal
3.What chores are Mandy, Rudolph and Sam and Pam doing?
Mandy is taking the dog for a walk. Rudolph is doing the washing up Sam and Pam are tidying their room.
2. What is the name of this country?
New Zealand
1. Who can see this from his window?