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6th grade - Math - Comparing fractions

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Complete: ten twentieths is ___________ __________ twenty fourtieths.
Equivalent to
Complete: 75/100 is ___________ __________ 81/100.
smaller than
Complete: 8/19 is ___________ __________ 6/19.
bigger than
Which fraction is bigger: 2/3 or 1/3?
What sign is this " < " ?
Smaller than!
Is 2/4 equivalent to 8/16?
True or false: When fractions are not equivalents, we can call them "unlike fractions".
What are equivalent fractions?
Equivalent fractions are fractions that represent the same value, even though they look different.
Say one equivalent fraction of 4/8!
1/2, 5/10, 6/3, 12/24, etc....
Which one is bigger: five ninths or three ninths?
Which one is bigger: two sevenths or six sevenths?
six sevenths!!!!!!
When two fractions have the same numerator, how can we decide which one is bigger?
We compare using the numerator. The fraction with the bigger numerator will be the bigger fraction.
True or false: the math symbol for "smaller than" is >
True or false: the math symbol for "bigger than" is >