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Adverbs of frequency + in on at (time)

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Tom/ go to the sports centre/ Satudays
Tom usually goes to the sports centre on Saturdays
You/ watch a film/ cinema/ 8p.m/ tonight
You can watch a film at the cinema at 8p.m tonight.
My son/ help in the house/ Sunday morning.
My son always helps in the house on Sunday morning.
2022/ people/ have vaccination of covid 19.
In 2022, most people have vaccination of covid 19.
The children/ go to the café/ evening/ with their parents
The children often go to the café with their parents in the evening.
They/ like/ go to the shopping mall/ the first day of the week.
They usually like going to the shopping mall on the first day of the week.
My mom's birthday/ June
My mom's birthday is in June.
Emma/ play piano/ 4p.m
Emma often plays pinano at 4p.m
We/ go to the museum/ weekend
We never go to the museum at the weekend.
Mike/ walk to school/ Mondays
Mike sometimes walks to school on Mondays.
My family/ travel to HCM city/ summer
My family always travels to HCM city in summer.