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Air pollution
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We do this naturally every few seconds, to get oxygen into our body
Low grade fuel from petroleum that can cause a lot of pollution
We can describe air that is full of pollutants as this
Polluted rain that damages trees and plants
acid rain
The part of a car that ejects the dirty waste
How we measure how clean or dirty the air in a particular area is
air quality
The air around us
NO2, and other particulates are examples of this
Part of your body that helps you to breathe
Tiny particles of dust, soot, and liquid in the air, which are too small to see
There are more than 3 million of them on the roads in Seoul
This helps our bodies fight infections
immune system
A harmful chemical air pollutant. It gets into our air from the burning of fuel (from cars, trucks, power plants etc)
Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2)
A medical condition where some people find it hard to breathe
This happened in the UK in 1952. Many people died because of the air pollution
An example of a fossil fuel. A liquid obtained from petroleum. When it is burned, it causes air pollution