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Flyers A2 Speaking Part 4 Questions

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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FOOD & DRINKS: What do you eat for breakfast? What's your favourite drink? Who usually cooks in your house?
SPORTS: What sport do you like to play? Who do you play with? When do you play it? Tell me about a sport you enjoy playing.
HOLIDAY: Do you like having holidays? What do you like doing most on holidays? Where did you go on your last holiday?
SHOPPING: Do you like shopping?  What do you buy when you go shopping? Who do you usually go shopping with?
CITY: Is your city big or small? What places can go to in your city? What do you like the most about your city?
EVENINGS: What time do you usually have dinner? What do you do after dinner? What time do you go to bed? Tell me more about your evenings.
WEEKENDS: Where do you go at the weekends? What do you like doing at weekends? Who do you like spending your time with? Tell me about what you do on weekends.
HOLIDAY: Do you like having holidays? What do you like doing most on holidays? Where did you go on your last holiday? Tell me about what you like to do on holidays.
AT HOME: Where do you watch television? Where do you do your homework? Tell me about your bedroom.
FAMILY: How many people are there in your family? Who is the oldest in your family? What do you like doing with your family? Tell me about your family.
SCHOOL: What time do you start and finish school? What's your favourite subject at school? What's the first thing you do when you get to school? Tell me about your school.
MORNINGS: What time do you get up in the morning? What do you do after waking up? Tell me more about your mornings. 
SPORTS: What sport do you like to play? Who do you play with? When do you play it? Tell me more about your favourite sport.
FOOD & DRINKS: What do you eat for breakfast? What's your favourite drink? Who usually cooks in your house? What food don't you like? Tell me about your favourite food.
MUSIC: When do you listen to music? Where do you do it? Which do you prefer - LOUD or QUIET music?