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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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"Hi Tom! What are you doing here?" "I ___________ (wait) for my sister."
am waiting
Sarah ___________ (not believe) in ghosts.
doesn't believe
We ___________ (not travel) to any country since 2019.
haven't travelled
Sorry, he's busy. He ________ (study) for his exam at the moment.
is studying
Wendy ________ (go) to the cinema on Fridays.
I _______ (move) to Singapore in 2004 to work abroad for a year.
Robert _________ (stay) in my flat both this summer and last summer too.
I ___________ (be) Istanbul twice in my life.
have been
I was waiting for the plumber when he _________ (phone) me to cancel.
While my brother ____________(cook) I ___________ (watch)TV.
was cooking / was watching
When I arrived, Sally ______ already _____ (leave).
had (already) left
"I'm looking for Dave. _____________ (see) him?"
Have you seen
Since they started, they ________ (use) social media to promote their services.
have been using
He stopped talking because nobody _________ (listen).
was listening
When it was time to go home, we decided to take a taxi because we __________ (drink) too many beers.
had drunk
Why do you look so tired? __________ (clean) the house?
Have you been cleaning