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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Tell us something that your mum/dad loves doing.
My mum/dad loves...
Tell us something that you and your friends are going to do next weekend.
We are going to...
Tell us three things your brother/sister hates doing...
My brother/sister hates...
Tell us three things you love doing in summer holidays.
In summer holidays, I love...
The young boy _________________ his books. (LOVE / READ)
The young boy loves reading his books.
Tell us something that you don't want to do in your life.
In my life, I don't want to...
Tell us something that you want to do in your life.
In my life, I want to...
Tell us something that you like doing as a hobby.
As a hobby, I like...
Tell us something that you hate doing at home.
At home, I hate...
Tell us something that you love doing at school.
At school, I love...
Tell us something that you are not going to do this week.
This week...
Tell us something that you and your family are not going to do next weekend.
Next weekend...
Tell us something that you are going to do next weekend.
Next weekend...
Tell us something that you are going to do this week.
This week...
The athletes _________________ this race. (VERB: FINISH)
The athletes are going to finish this race. // They are going to finish the race.
What is the man going to do? (VERB: TAKE)
The man is going to take some pills. // He is going to take some pills.
The young boy _________________ all his things. (VERB: MISS)
The young boy is going to miss all his things. // He is going to miss all his things.
What is the dog going to do? (VERB: HIDE)
The dog is going to hide his bone in the pit. // He is going to hide his bone in the pit.
The old man and his wife _________________ a lot of gifts. (VERB: BUY / GIVE)
The old man and his wife are going to buy/give a lot of gifts. // They are going to buy/give a lot of gifts.
What is the young boy going to do? (VERB: HAVE / EAT)
The young boy is going to have/eat a hamburger // He is going to have/eat a hamburger.
What are they going to do? (VERB: BUILD)
They are going to build a house.
What is the woman going to do? (VERB: MAKE)
The woman is going to make a phone call. // She is going to make a phone call.
What is going to happen with the man? (VERB: BE)
The man is going to be late for his work again. // He is going to be late for his work again.
The woman _________________ a car accident. (VERB: HAVE)
The woman is going to have a car accident.
The couple _________________ their holidays in Spain. (VERB: SPEND)
The couple is going to spend their holidays in Spain.
What is the man going to do? (VERB: SPILL)
The man is going to spill the coffee on the floor. // He is going to spill the coffee on the floor.
What is the cook going to do? (VERB: BAKE / PREPARE)
The cook is going to bake / prepare a cake. // He is going to bake / prepare a cake.
What is the woman going to do? (VERB: GO)
The woman is going to go to the beach // She is going to go to the beach.