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C1 Fears and phobias vocab

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What phrasal verb is the synonym to "overcome" (a fear)?
get over sth.
Which phrase means to pretend to be ill?
pull a sickie
Which phrase means to do sth. very seldom/hardly ever?
once in a blue moon
That news scared _______________ of me
scared the living daylights out of
She was _____________ in her ________ while waiting for the dentist.
quaking in her boots
I'm _________ stiff of snakes.
This scene of the movie made me ___ out _____. It was really unexpected.
jump out of my skin
He was ____________ like a ___________ while waiting for the interview.
What do we call a fear of death?
What do we call a fear of clouds?
What do we call a fear of public speaking?
What do we call a fear of spiders?
If I go climbing, I'll have heart_____________. I'm kinda acrophobic.
What verb starts with a "d" meaning fear sth?
to dread