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I spin a three-section spinner 30 times. I land on the red section 12 times. What is the experimental probability of landing on red?
12/30 = 6/15 = 2/5
I spin a three-equal section spinner 30 times. I land on the red section 12 times. What is the theoretical probability of landing on red?
I flip a coin 5 times. It lands on heads 3 times. What is the experimental probability of tails?
I flip a coin 5 times. It lands on heads 3 times. What is the experimental probability of heads?
I flip a coin 5 times. It lands on heads 3 times. What is the theoretical probability of heads?
I spin a spinner with four equal sections 20 times. I got red 7 times. What is the experimental probability of spinning red?
I spin a spinner with four equal sections 20 times. I got red 7 times. What is the theoretical probability of spinning red?
I roll a number cube 10 times and get 3 twice. What is the experimental probability of rolling a 3?
2/10 = 1/5
I roll a number cube 10 times and get 3 twice. What is the theoretical probability of rolling a 3?