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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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A: K - r - dot - com? That's interesting. ........ you from? B: Busan, Korea. I'm here on business
Where are
A: ............. your e-mail address? I'll send you a note. B: ........... choi23@kr.com
What's/ It's
A: ............ David's occupation? B: ......... a lawyer
What's / He's a
A: It was nice to meet your brothers. ......... they? B: Greg's only fourteen. But my older brother, David, is twenty-eight
How old are
A: I'll call you sometime. ............. your phone number? B: ............... 555-0296.
What's / It's
A: ........... their names? B: Evan and Kim
What are
A: ............. they? B: I think ............... new students.
Who are / they're
A: ............. he from? B: El Salvador
A: Your new neighbor's good-looking! ............. his name? B: His name's Francisco
A: ................ she? She looks very young. B: I think ............. twenty-five
How old is / she's
A: .................. that over there? B: Oh, that's Hasna. ............. from Lebanon
Who's / She's