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Si no practicas todos los días, no vas a poder hablar fluido (unless)
You won't be able to speak fluently unless you practice every day
¡Ojalá no tuviera que estudiar tanto para mañana!
I wish we didn't have so much to study for tomorrow!
Hubiera preferido que dieras vos la charla en vez de tu colega.
I would have preferred you gave the talk rather than your colleague.
Si me hubieras hecho caso no habrías tenido ningún problema.
Had you listened to me, you wouldn't have had any problem
¡Cómo quisiera que no gastaras tanto dinero en video juegos!
If only you didn't spend so much money on video games!
Prefiero que me digas la verdad.
I'd rather you told me the truth
¿Y si pidieras ayuda, aunque sea una vez?
What if you asked for help just once?
No vamos a tener clases la semana que viene, a menos que la profesora diga lo contrario.
We are not having classes next week unless the professor says otherwise
Preferiría no discutir eso en este momento.
I'd rather not talk about that right now.
Tendremos una clase extra con la condición de que asistan todos.
We'll have an extra class only if everyone attends.
Siempre que tengas cuidado vas a poder usar el auto.
You can use the car as long as you are careful
¡Si tan sólo no le hubiera dicho lo que sentía por ella!
If only I hadn't told her how I felt about her.
Prefiero estudiar solo que en grupos.
I'd rather study alone than in groups
Si hubiera nacido en un país de habla inglesa, hoy no estaría estudiando esta carrera.
Had I been born in an English speaking country, I wouldn't be studying this degree.
¡Ojalá dejaras de fumar!
I wish you stopped smoking!
Preferiría que no fumaras acá adentro.
I'd rather you didn't smoke inside