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End of the Year

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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2 things you learned from this school year
Various answers
2 funny students in your class
Various answers
2 things you are excited for next year
Various answers
2 things your teacher always says
Various answers
2 of the funniest things that happened in class
Various answers
2 times your teacher was really angry
Various answers
2 things you are nervous about next year
Various answers
2 things you will miss about this class
Various answers
Name 5 activities you can do on vacation.
Name 5 jobs.
dsurgeon, vet, teacher, astronaut, magician, painter, toy designer, singer, police, dentist, park ranger.
Name 5 things you have in your bedroom.
bed, pillow, blankets, toys, clothes, TV, chair, desk, computer, shoes, curtain, wardrobe, mirror
Name 5 animals you can see in a zoo.
lion, elephant, giraffe, rhino, tiger, snake, ostrich, hippo, gorilla, zebra, panda, turtle.
Name 5 activities you do every day.
brush the teeth, take a shower, eat breakfast, have classes, do homework, sweep the floor, make the bed.
Name 5 things you have in your schoolbag.
pencil, pen, colors, sharpener, ruler, notebook, book, drawing compass, eraser,
Name 5 of your classmates.
Did you think this year went faster or slower than you expected?
Various answers
Do you think next year will be harder or easier than this school year?
Various answers
Did you think this year was harder or easier than you thought it would be?
Various answers
If you could change anything this school year, what would it be?
Various answers
What was your hardest subject this year?
Various answers
What was your easiest subject this school year?
Various answers
What was your favorite thing about this school year?
Various answers
Use 3 words to describe the school year
fun, different, interesting, exciting...