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English File Intermediate + Units 1-2 quick test

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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They’re opening ________ another DIY store on the edge of town. A down  B to  C up 
C up
I’m sorry but we’re completely ________ of your size. A in  B down  C out 
C out
My favourite hairdresser’s has ________ down. What a shame! A closed  B opened  C put 
A closed
I want to look ________ the new hypermarket this morning. A on  B by  C round 
C round
Where do you go if you want to buy a flat or a house? A a chain store  B an estate agent’s  C a market stall 
B an estate agent’s
Where can you buy special food from other countries? A an off-licence  B a newsagent’s  C a delicatessen 
a delicatessen
They went on a ________ last year and saw elephants and lions. A safari  B sightseeing  C hiking 
A safari
These mosquitoes are terrible. Where’s the insect ________? A repellent  B repelling  C repel 
A repellent
Greta stayed on the beach far too long and got sun________. A tan  B bathed  C burnt 
C burnt
When are you going to buy new swimming ________? A suit  B trunks  C clothes 
B trunks
We’d never go on a ________ as we both get seasick! A tour  B cruise  C hike 
B cruise
________ about going to Namibia on safari next summer. A I think B I’m thinking C I thinking
B I’m thinking
Why don’t you ask ________ opinion? A James B Jame’s C James’s
C James’s
Have you seen ________ new flat? It’s enormous. A Paul and Rachel’s B Paul’s and Rachel’s C Paul’s and Rachel
A Paul and Rachel’s
We sat at the ________. A bus front B bus’s front C front of the bus
C front of the bus
Our friends ________ this week. A are looking after our dog B they look after our dog C look our dog
A are looking after our dog
Where’s that ________? A son of I B son of mine C son of me
B son of mine
Marta ________ late for work. Perhaps she’s ill. A is never B never is C isn’t never
A is never
________ a visa to go to Australia? A Are we needing B Need we C Do we need
C Do we need
When ________ in Singapore? Do you know? A he arrives B does he arrive C is he arrive
B does he arrive
Where are your ________? A shoes and socks B shoe’s and sock’s C shoes’ and socks’
A shoes and socks
That’s ________. A a good John’s idea B a good idea John’s C a good idea of John’s
C a good idea of John’s
We ________. A every day go for a walk B go for a walk every day C go every day for a walk
B go for a walk every day