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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Difficulties suffered by the tribes in C.R. ? minimun two
i. Discrimination ii. Loss of territory iii. Lack of representation in the political and educational system. iv. Economy v. Persecution
Mention different cultures ? Minimun three
Chineese - Americans - Indians - Indigenous -
Which will be the definition seen in class for the girl in the image ?
The guy un the picture is _____ ?
The guy in the picture is a ______ ?
Subcultures in High School?
Sport people – Religious people – nerds - more may apply
______ is your favorite cartoon? My favorite cartoon is Bob Spoge
______ is his favorite sport ? His favorite sport is soccer
Which / what
Which religious groups does the community have? mention 2
Jewish - Catholicism – evangelic – Atheist –
Ethnic groups in our community.?
Maleku – Bribri – Maya - Chorotega -
What is your country of origin?
Costa Rica - Other options may apply
How do Costa Rican people celebrate independence day?
a. Taking the day off b. Parades c. Typical food, clothes and traditions -- more answers could be ok
______ is his birtday? His Birthday is on May 23
_______ is her favorite color? Her favorite color is blue
What / Which
_______ are we going? We are going to the beach.
________ are you comming? I am going next, tuesday.
_____ _____ are the copies?
How much
_______ is your name? My name is Daniel