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Vocabulary 1

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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1.-Humans some moment we gonna do inhabitable the world
2.-Contamination make inhabitable the world
1.-A tragedy is a bad thing
2.-Tragedys looks bad in every way
1.-Whe can happen a natural catastrophe in all moment
2.-See catastrophe and look bad
1-If i want not to be sick i have to be health
2.-Have healthy is very important
1.-Whe can feel differents sensation in differents moments
2.-I like the sentation of happyness
1.-I agree my family opinion
2.-I agree persons opinions
1.-I go to see relatives last week
2.-Some relatives come to my house yesterday
1.-Nowadays is not important
2.-Nowadays is when something is really not important
1.- I look i add of a immesinty
2.-I want a immesity icream
1.-I go to a trip with my family
2.-Trips schools was so happyness
1.-When i feel bad i take a drug.
2.-Drugs make feel better so fast.
1.-When i have something unwanted i trow it in the trash
2.-My mom do a yard sale because she unwanted that
1.-When i am suck frist i have a symtom
2.-The symtom of the flu is feeling so bad
1.- Yesterday i go waliking to the store
2.-I wal is a escencial thing in my life
1.-The astronouts go to the space
2.-Some special persons study the space
1.-when i was buying a apple in the market i look at a person why go to stuff
2.- Whe going to have a big stuff to chrismats
1.-I change my opinion in a answer.
2.-The mall gonna change the place of the cinema.
1.-My appareance in the morning is strange.
2.-I look my appeareance in a mirror.
1.-I see a movie when a character is eternal.
2.-The life can´t be eternal.
1.-This candy was very cheap
2.-This dress was very cheap