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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Mention three abiotic factors in a lake
How are you?
Show me something in color orange
Mention three abiotic factors in the forest
Mention three abiotic factors in the ocean
Sing your favorite song
What a re the needs of an animal?
Food, water, shelter, space, and so on
What is a limiting factor?
An environmental factor that causes a population to decrease in size
How do we find out the population density?
Number of individuals / Unit area
What is density?
A measure of the amount of information on a storage medium.
Dance your favorite song
What is community?
All the different populations that live together in a certain area
What is an ecosystem?
The community of organisms that live in a particular area, along with their nonliving environment
Mention three biotic factors on the desert
What are the abiotic factors?
A nonliving part of an organism's habitat
Look around you and mention five abiotic factors
What is population?
All the members of one species living in the same area
Show me something in color red
What are the biotic factors?
A living or once living part of an organism's habitat
Mention two organism
Animals, plants, and people
What are the resources?
Is a physical material that humans need and value such as land, air, and water.
Mention two habitat
What is a habitat?
An environment that provides the things a specfic organism needs to live, grow, and reproduce
What is an organism?
A living thing