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Future, weather and nature

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Oh no ! Look at those huge black clouds. It ... (rain)! That means we can't play tennis.
It is going to rain
I think it ... (rain) tomorrow, so now's the time to cut the grass.
I think it will rain tomorrow, so now's the time to cut the grass.
What are you going to give her for your anniversary ? I don't know yet. I ... (see)
I will see
I can't do my homework tonight. I ... (see) a movie.
I can't do my homework tonight. I am going to see a movie.
- Would she like to go to the cinema? - No, sorry. She _____ clean the house.
She is going to clean the house.
- Oh! I haven't got enough money to pay! - Don't worry. I ______ lend you some.
Don't worry. I will lend you some.
Why do you want so many oranges? - I ____________ make an orange juice.
I am going to make an orange juice.
- We are thirsty. - Wait here. I ______ get some water.
I will get some water.
- Have you got any plans for tomorrow? - Yes, I ___________ visit my grandparents.
I am going to visit my grandparents
Imagine what is happening next and use be going to. He has a test tomorrow.
He is going to study this afternoon.
Imagine what is happening next and use be going to. We lost the bus.
We are going to wait for the next one.
Imagine what is happening next and use be going to. She is not feeling well.
She is going to go to the doctor.
Imagine what is happening next and use be going to. I don't understand the exercise.
I'm going to ask the teacher about it.
BE GOING TO. ___________________ our house. (we / decorate)
We are going to decorate our house.
BE GOING TO. ___________________ for her rude behavior. (she / not / apologize)
She isn't going to apologize for her rude behavior.
BE GOING TO. ___________________ Jim to my birthday. (I / invite)
I'm going to invite Jim to my birthday.
BE GOING TO. ___________________ a new car? (they / buy)
Are they going to buy a new car?
BE GOING TO. ___________________ it with you. (we / not / discuss)
We are not going to discuss it with you.
What will you wear the last day of school?
Free answer
Why will you come to his party?
Free answer
Where will you go this weekend?
Free answer
What will you do this summer?
Free answer
Creative time. Create a question using will.
Free answer
Creative time. Create a question using will.
Free answer
Creative time. Create a negative sentence using will.
Free answer
Creative time. Create a negative sentence using will.
Free answer
Creative time. Create a positive sentence using will.
Free answer
Creative time. Create a positive sentence using will.
Free answer
What is this?
What is this?
What is this?
What is this?
Going to the top of the field / river / hill is always a great experience because of the view.
The Forbidden forest in Harry Potter is an example of hill / wood / field
I love taking the boat and finishing at the field / wood / lake
Open the hill / field / gate and leave the sheep walk free for some time.
Tom walked down the path / river / gate, whistling a happy tune.