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M&E Training

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which of the following is considered MiGOF objectives
Advance of socio-economic well being of migrants
Adherence to International Standards
Formulate Policy using evidence and whole of gov. approach
Engage with partners
An established practice of internal oversight that provides management with an early indication of progress, or lack thereof.
Data Analysis
Logical Frame Work
Interval scales consists of numerical data that has true 0 point.
Ratio Data
Interval Scope Data
Primary Data
Secondary Data
Evaluation is a process focused on
Impact and Change Analysis
Intended Results
Monitoring is a process focused on
Activity and Output Implementation
Change Analysis
Consists of ranked categories like scores or grades in a competition.
Ordinal Scope Data
Primary Data
Secondary Data
Third-Party Data
The data obtained from other pre-existing sources, such as a country census or survey data from partners, donors or government.
Secondary Data
Primary Data
Nominal Scope Data
Third-Party Data
The data that M&E practitioners collect themselves using various instruments, such as key informant interviews, surveys, focus group discussions.
Primary Data
Secondary Data
Nominal Scope Data
Third-Part Data
Estimated budget for M&E in the whole project budget is:
5 to 10
7 to 10
6 to 10
9 to 10
What is results-based management?
RBM is defined as a management strategy that sets out clear objectives and outcomes to define the way forward and uses specific indicators to verify the progres