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Present simple+present continuous

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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.....you (watch)......TV last night?
We(fly)..... to Spain last summer
She (be)..........born in 1980
10) He (sit)..........in a cafe when i (see) him.
was sitting-saw
9) I (be)..........very tired because I (work).........all day yesterday
was-was working
8) The bell (ring)........while Tom (take)..........a bath
rang-was taking
7) the children (play) ...........football when their mother (come) .....back home
was playing-came
6) While my father (read).......a newspaper, I (learn).......my lessons and my sister (do).........her homework
was reading-was learning-was doing
5) Tom (see).......a serious accident while he (stand)......at the bus stop
saw-was standing
4) As we (cross)........the street, we (see)........an accident
were crossing-saw
3) Bill (have).......... breakfast when I (stop)......at this house this morning
was having-stopped
2) She(go)........out while we(have).........
went-were having
1) When I (arrive)......at this house, he still (sleep).............
arrived-was sleeping
Most university students (live/lives/are living) on campus in their first year
5) PP in my area...........(DO) a lot od sport in their free time b/c they..........(LIKE) to keep fit
1) Hassan lives in Quatar, but right now he.......(VISIT) friends in Bahrain
8 I’m not liking small towns because there’s nothing to do.
’m not liking->DON'T LIKE
6 People generally are believing that country life is healthier than city life.
are believing->BELIEVE
3) Winters in my city are hard because it’s snowing a lot.
’s snowing->SNOWS
2) I’m feeling that cities are dirty, noisy and expensive places
am feeling->feel