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Rotation on a coordinate plane

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which rotation, will return a shape to its original position?
360° clockwise or counter clock wise
to rotate a coordinate point 90 degrees on a coordinate plane you need _____
the right angle side of a triangle and a compass.
To rotate a point 180 degrees on a coordinate plane you can use ______
the straight side of a ruler and a compass
A triangle in the first quadrant, rotated 360 degrees CW, it will be in which quadrant?
A triangle in the first quadrant, rotated 270 degrees CW, it will be in which quadrant?
A triangle in the first quadrant, rotated 180 degrees CW, it will be in which quadrant?
Which rotation produces the same coordinates as 270° clock wise (90° CCW - 180° CCW - 270° CCW)
90° CCW
Which rotation produces the same coordinates as 90° clock wise (90° CCW - 180° CCW - 270° CCW)
270° CCW