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List three (3) negative impacts British colonisation has had on Aboriginal people.
All of the above
Loss of traditional culture
Loss of land
Loss of family and family ties
What does 'bounty' mean?
An amount of money or a reward given for capturing something or someone.
Why did Governor Phillip kidnap Bennelong?
To teach him English, and for him to teach the British the Aboriginal language.
What date is Australia Day held on?
26th January
Which century did the First Fleet arrive in Australia?
The 18th Century
What does 'invasion' mean?
The use of force to enter and take possession of territory.
What name has been given to the oldest human remains found in Australia>
Mungo man
What disease decimated the Gadigal people around Sydney Cove?
What is 'martial law?'
A system of law and order run by the military.
What does 'assimilate' mean?
To make a group of people more similar to another.
What does 'colonisation' mean?
The permanent settlement of land by foreigners.
What does 'paternalism' mean?
A 'fatherly' attitude to treat people as children.
How did Bennelong die?
He was killed in a tribal fight.
What happened to Bennelong's friend Yemmerrawanne who went to English with him?
He died of pneumonia.
How long did Bennelong stay in England?
3 years.
What was the Aboriginal term for 'son?'
What was the Aboriginal term for 'father?'
Where did a massacre occur where the attackers were found guilty of murder?>
Myall Creek
What was the name of the Aboriginal warrior who waged war on the British?
What does 'dispossession' mean?
Indigenous land taken away without prior agreement,
What was the name of the tribe that lived around Sydney Harbour?
What was the name of the first Governor of the Australian colony?
Governor Arthur Phillip
Why did the British think Australia was 'ownerless?'
Because Aboriginal people lived in a totally different way to the colonisers.
What does the term 'terra nullius' mean?
It is Latin for 'land belonging to no-one'
What is the Dream time?
It involves creation stories which form the basis of law and religious belief.
How many Aboriginal Tribes were there in Australia in 1788?
More than 500