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British History

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When was William crowned?
On Christmas Day
How did William deal with these problems?
What were the problems that William had to face?
What were William’s strategies to fight?
What happened at the Battle of Hastings?
What happened at the Battle of Stamford Bridge?
Which was Harold Godwinson’s advantage over William and Hardrada?
His advantage was that he was already in England while William and Hardrada were miles away.
What were Hardrada’s reasons to claim the throne?
He believed that he had the right to rule England because King Canute reigned some years before. He was supported by Tostig.
What were Harold’s reasons to claim the throne?
He was the only Englishman claiming the throne. Edward was his brother-in-law and the Witan wanted him as king.
What was William’s reason to claim the throne?
He considered himself a claimant because when Edward became King of England, William sent soldiers to help him. In exchange, Edward promised him the throne.
Why was William a great warrior?
Because he came from a fighting family
What rules did they follow to decide who the king would be?
They had traditions
Who was the King of England before the Battle of Hastings?
Edward, the confessor
Why is 1066 one of the most famous years of English History?
Because it was the last time England was invaded and taken over by a foreign country.
Who were the invaders of England?
The Celts, the Romans, the Anglo-Saxons and the Normans