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Division Arrays

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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There are 9 kids. How many muffins does each kid get?
9 : 9 = 1
There are 3 kids. How many strawberries does each kid get?
24 : 3 = 8
There are 10 kids. How many pears does each kid get?
20 : 10 = 2
There are 12 kids. How many strawberries does each kid get?
24 : 12 = 2
There are 10 kids. How many cupcakes does each kid get?
10 : 10 = 1
There are 2 kids. How many doughnuts does each kid get?
12 : 2 = 6
There are 4 kids. How many doughnuts does each kid get?
12 : 4 = 3
There are 2 kids. How many pretzels does each kid get?
8 : 2 = 4
There are 9 kids. How many pretzels does each kid get?
9 : 9 = 1
There are 7 kids. How many pizza slices does each kid get?
14 : 7 = 2
There are 3 kids. How many muffins does each kid get?
9 : 3 = 3
There are 3 kids. How many boxes of cereal does each kid get?
15 : 3 = 5
There are 6 kids. How many potatoes does each kid get?
12 : 6 = 2
There are 4 kids. How many bags of chips does each kid get?
4 : 2 = 2
There are 5 kids. How many ice creams does each kid get?
10 : 5 = 2
There are 8 kids. How many oranges does each kid get?
8 : 8 = 1
There are 2 kids. How many bun bao does each kid get?
6 : 2 = 3
There are 5 kids. How many melons does each kid get?
10 : 5 = 2
There are 5 kids. How many pears does each kid get?
20 : 5 = 4
There are 6 kids. How many strawberries does each kid get?
24 : 6 = 4
There are 10 kids. How many oranges does each kid get?
30 : 10 = 3
There are 4 kids. How many apples does each kid get?
8 : 4 = 2
There are 3 kids. How many peaches does each kid get?
12 : 3 = 4
There are 5 kids. How many peppers does each kid get?
15 : 5 = 3