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Adult Elementary Review

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Does the adverb of frequency usually comes before or after the main verb?
Adverb so frequency come before the principal verb I AWLAYS cook dinner She has NEVER eaten chicken They didn´t always like reggae
Can you compare a dog and a cat?
Students own answer
Speaking in pairs talk about your next holiday. Where dare you going to go? For how long? Where are you going to stay? What are you going to do? What are you going to eat and drink?
Students own answer
Speaking in pairs talk about your last holiday. Where did you go? For how long? Where did you stay? What did you do? What did you eat and drink? Did you like the holiday? Why? Why not?
Student own answer
Name five places you stay when you goon holiday.
Students own answer
Can you compare a lion and a giraffe?
Students answer
Can you tell the class 3 uses of the present perfect?
1. Experiences 2. Recent past 3. An action that started in the past and continues until now and may or may not be finished 4. Non specific - no time reference
Can you tell the class 4 uses of the present simple?
1. Always true or nearly always true 2. With adverbs of frequency 3. Habits 4. Routines. 5. Time tables. 6. with stative verbs
Name five things you write with
Students answer
Does the adverb of frequency ´never´ come before or after the verb to be?
After the verb to be i.e. he is never late
Name three things you drink with
Students own answer
Name three things you eat with
Students answers
Name five things you bring on holidays to the beach
Students answer
What tenses do we use to tell stories? What word do we use to show an interruption? What word do we use to show an interruption?
Past continuous, past simple When While
Ask your partner three questions about their night-time routine
Speaking in pairs What time do you go to bed? Do you read in bed? Do you eat or drink anything before you go to bed?
Ask your partner three questions about their morning routine
Speaking in pairs. What time do you get up? What o you have for breakfast? Do you listen to the radio in the morning?
Is ´a little´ countable or uncountable?
Can you make a present perfect question asking me where I lived during my life.
Where have your lived during your life? Speaking in pairs
Which is correct? A She has just eaten her breakfast B She eats her breakfast recently C She have just eaten her breakfast
A She has just eaten her breakfast
Which is correct? A. I have been to London last year B I went to London last year c I have gone to London last year
B I went to London last year