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End of 21-22 School Year
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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Is this a phrase or a clause? "need for speed"
Who wrote the poem, "Nothing Gold Can Stay"?
Robert Frost
Who wrote the poem, "The Rose that Grew from Concrete"?
Tupac Shakur
What is the Greek/Latin root "phob" mean?
True or false? It is OK to copy evidence from a newspaper article and paste it into my research paper without stating where I got it from.
What type of language means EXACTLY what it says.
What is the date of the last day of school?
June 3
What is the word that means "a person or group of people who have been displaced from their homeland due to violence or war"?
What is the name of the very popular game in which you have to guess a word in 5 tries?
What zone of regulation do we want to be in during school?
"Don't put all your eggs in one basket" is an example of which type of figurative language?
What test do students take in the fall, spring and winter to measure their growth in reading and math?
What is the name of the online encyclopedia available to students at NMS through the library?
Which ghost tells Scrooge that Tiny Tim has died?
Christmas Yet to Come/Future
Who won NMS' Spelling Bee this year?
Lexi S.
What does the Landlady do with her victims?
stuffs them and keeps them forever on the third floor
Poetry does not have to rhyme. True or False?
"paragraphs" in poetry are called what?
What do we call the sentence in the introduction of an essay that clearly states what the essay is trying to prove.
What are the paragraphs called that are located in between the introduction and the conclusion in an essay?
body paragrahs
Which tribe does Nya's family belong to?
What country Is Salva Dut from?
South Sudan
"Mar/Mer" is the Greek/Latin roots for ....
the sea
With what type of text structure could you use a venn diagram?
If you were telling the story of someone's life, what text structure would you use?
chronological order/sequence
Who is the protagonist in Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol?
Ebeneezer Scrooge
What is the Greek/Latin root for "life"?
Which 7th grade teacher had a baby this school year?
Mrs. Thomas
What city is believed to be the setting for The Outsiders?
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Which Greaser is portrayed by an actor who stars in the new Top Gun Maverick movie?
Steve Randle
What popular Netflix show has the same actor in it who played Johnny Cade in the movie, The Ousiders?
Cobra Kai
The Outsiders was written in what POV (point of view)?
first person
What is the literary term for the person/thing that causes conflict for the protagonist ?
What is the term for the message the author is trying to send to the reader?
What two things make up the setting of a novel?
time and place (location)
What is the literary term for the central character in a piece of literature?
the protagonist