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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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She was talking very quickly. I couldn't understand her. (that)
She was talking so quickly that I couldn't understand her.
He's very self centred. That's why he hasn't got any friends. (so)
He's very self centred so he hasn't got any friends.
They wanted to make me angry. They put an unkind comment about me on Facebook. (view)
They put an unkind comment about me on Facebook with a view to making me angry.
We left the cinema. We weren't enjoying the film. (so)
We weren't enjoying the film so we left the cinema.
Tia wanted to see us. We went into London. (order)
We went into London in order to see Tia.
Expressing result: such (+ ____) + ____ + that clause.
adjective - noun
Expressing result: so + ____ + that clause.
It was ___ a small bed that I fell out.
She was so tired ___ she fell asleep immediately.
For a result, we use ___ but not 'so that'.
The café was closed ____ I went home.
After so / so that / in order that, we use ____
a clause
He stood on a chair ____ we could all see him.
so / so that / in order that
After with the intention of, we use ____.
-ing form
After with a view to, we use ____
-ing form
I went to the police station ___ the intention of complaining about my noisy neighbours.
I went into town ___ buy a coat.
to / in order to