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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What topic is not studied in the book? a) my favourite toys b)school c) on holiday
my favourite toys
What grammar is not studied in this book? a) past sImple b)present continuous c) present perfect continuous
present perfect continuous
What Cambridge Exam does it prepare for? a) movers b)flyers c) key for schools
key for schools
You write a test after a) each unit b) two units c) three units
three units
How many units are there? a) 10 b) 15 c) 20
Who is the author of the book? a)Joanna Kosta b) Melanie Williams c)Joanna Kosta and Melanie Williams
Joanna Kosta and Melanie Williams
What colour is the book? a) green anf yellow b) green and purple c) red and blue
green and yellow
What is the name of your book next year? a)Power Up 5 b)English in Mind 2 c) Prepare 3
Prepare 3