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Fables - The Fox and the Crow and The Fox and th ...

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How are the stories "The Fox and the Crow" and "The Fox and the Goat" different?
Ms. Crow loses her large piece of cheese to Mr. Fox's flattery. Mr. Goat jumps into the well and Mr. Fox uses Mr. Goat to escape from the well.
How are the stories "The Fox and the Crow" and "The Fox and the Goat" similar?
Mr. Fox outsmarts both of them.
How was Mr. Fox resourceful in solving his problems?
Each time, Mr. Fox thought of a way to persuade the other animal to give him what he wanted.
What did Mr. Fox mean when he said, "Goat, next time, you should look before you leap!"?
The moral/lesson learned is do not jump into dangerous situations.
Spell the word that means 'the style of building'.
Hello Ms. Crow. Your feathers look especially shiny today. What vocabulary word is a synonym of 'shiny'?
We missed one detail when we planned our strategy. What vocabulary word describes 'strategy'?
It's not simple to judge which plan is better? Which vocabulary word describes 'judge'?
Her projects always look great because she's so good at finding ways to work effectively. What vocabulary describes 'good at finding ways to work effectively'?
If you want to ________ someone, just tell them something you really like about them.
If you want to FLATTER someone, just tell them something you really like about them.
What advice can you share to be a good student?
student answer.
When has someone given you praise?
student answer
Describe 3 characteristics of a fable.
1. Short simple story. 2. Animals as characters (speak and act like humans) 3. Designed to teach a moral or practical lesson.
Scampered means: a. ran as fast as possible. b. ran all the time. c. ran with quick, small steps. d. ran to win a race.
Scampered means to run with quick, small steps.
Mr. Fox has words of _______ for Ms. Crow. a. hope b. scam c. song d. praise
Mr. Fox has words of PRAISE for Ms. Crow.
Mr. Fox knows how to _______ Ms. Crow.
Mr. Fox knows how to FLATTER Ms. Crow.
Dad's _______ helped me solve my problem.
Dad's ADVICE helped me solve my problem.
The crook was involved in a complicated _______ to steal money.
The crook was involved in a complicated SCHEME to steal money.
I was so thirsty, so I _______ the milk.
I was so thirsty, so I GUZZLED the milk.
_______ means found in a particular place.
LOCATED means found in a particular place.
_______ means change to fit a new situation.
ADAPT means change to fit a new situation.
_______ means surroundings.
ENVIRONMENT means surroundings.
The new office building has interesting _______.
The new office building has interesting ARCHITECTURE.
The basement of my house is ________.
The basement of my house is UNDERGROUND.
Workers were able to collect all that gold by _______ it.
Workers were able to collect all that gold by MINING it.
Kangaroos are _______ to Australia.
Kangaroos are NATIVE to Australia.
Being _______ means working quickly and well.
Being EFFICIENT means working quickly and well.
How are Mr. Fox's encounters with Ms. Crow and Mr. Goat alike? a. They both end with everyone happy. b. Both Ms. Crow and Mr. Goat are eaten by the fox. c. Mr. Fox learns a lesson in both. d. Mr. Fox outsmarts both of them.
D. Mr Fox outsmarts both of them.
Why was Mr. Fox able to fool Ms. Crow? a. Mr. Fox was friends with Ms. Crow. b. Ms. Crow liked his flattery. c. Ms. Crow was not very hungry. d. Ms. Crow was scared of Mr. Fox.
B. Ms. Crow liked his flattery.
What happens to the goat in the well? a. He is stuck there unless someone helps him out. b. He will leap right out of the well. c. He becomes good friends with the fox. d. He will float out of the well.
A. He is stuck there unless someone else helps him out.
What is the moral of Mr. Fox's encounter with Mr. Goat? a. do not trust anyone. b. do not drink water too quickly. c. do not jump into dangerous situations. d. do not value flattery over food.
C. do not jump into dangerous situations.
How did Mr. Fox get the cheese from Ms. Crow?
By flattering her until she dropped it.
You would probably read "The Fox and the Crow" and "The Fox and the Goat" to a. learn how forest animals interact. b. be entertained by a story. c. get instructions for how to steal cheese. d. learn a lesson through them.
D. learn a lesson through them.
What does Mr. Fox mean when he compare Ms. Crow's eyes to glass beads? a. They are black. b. They are hard. c. They have holes. d. They are shiny,
D. They are shiny.
Which happened last? a. Mr. Goat jumped in the well. b. Mr. Goat was thirsty. c. Mr. Fox ran away. d. Mr. Fox climbed Mr. Goat to get out of the well.
C. Mr. Fox ran away.
Why did Mr. Fox tell Mr. Goat to jump in the well?
So he could use him to get out.
How can Mr. Fox be described in both fables?
Clever, Smart, Intelligent, Tricky
Why did Mr. Fox trick Ms. Crow?
He was hungry and wanted her cheese.