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Final music class!

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Where was Rihanna born? The US, The Bahamas, or Barbados?
What is the name of this English rock band?
The Beatles!
In which do singers use microphones? Operas or musicals?
Is "The Magic Flute" an opera or a musical?
It is an opera!
What is this instrument called? (Hint: It's bigger than a cello.)
An upright/standing/double bass!
What is this instrument called?
An oboe!
Where was flamenco originated?
Lower Andalusia!
What is a group of four musicians called?
A quartet!
True or false: A saeta is typically sung with an orchestra.
False! It is sung acapella!
Who signs a saeta?
A saetero!
What is "Semana Santa" in English?
Holy Week!
What is the major religion of Andalusia?
Who were the first singers of Andalucian music? (What kind of people)
Farm workers!
What country does jazz originate from?
The United States!
Which is normally the more exciting part of an opera? Aria or recitative?
Who was the lead singer of Queen?
Freddie Mercury!
What is "mood"?
A state of mind or feeling!