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Dragon Masters Saving the Sun Dragon Chapters 4- ...

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Why did Drake wake up?
Worm called him.
What did Drake dream about?
The desert.
Why did Drake almost cry when he read the letter?
He was homesick.
What is dangerous about pyramids?
There are robbers.
What are pyramids for?
It holds a king’s body after he dies.
What does Ana’s father do?
He travels and sells beautiful fabrics?
How was the children’s dinner?
They were quiet and didn’t eat much.
Why was Ana the one to give Kepri the potion?
Because she’s her master.
What color was the potion?
How many sunflower seeds were used for the potion?
What was the purple liquid Drake found?
Lily dew.
What were the ingredients for the potion?
Moonbeams and sunflower seeds.
Who found the potion?
What potion did Griffith and the children decide to make?
Why did Griffith refuse to look for Kepri’s twin?
There was no time for that.
What kind of twin does each Sun Dragon have?
A Moon Dragon.
Who found out about Moon Dragons?
What book did Drake investigate?
“Dragons 101”
What book was Griffith flipping through while looking for a cure?
“All About Sun Dragons”
Why did nobody complain about staying inside when they were looking for a cure?
They wanted to help Kepri.
What did the section where Griffith taught lessons remind?
A cave.