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Dragon Masters Saving the Sun Dragon Chapter 3+s ...

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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*Which character can you relate to? Why?
*If you were a character in this book, what character would you like to be?
*What is your favorite part of the book so far? Why?
*Do you think Griffith did a right thing when he lied to the king? If you were Griffith, would you do the same or would you act differently?
*Describe the conversation between the king and Griffith. Talk about their feelings
Where was Griffith going to look for a cure?
In books.
What was the king going to do if Griffith didn’t find a cure for Kepri?
Replace him with another wizard.
Why did Griffith lie to the king?
He wanted to protect the Dragon Masters.
Why did the king think that the dragons had tried to escape?
Griffith told him so.
How did the king know that Kepri was sick?
He has spies in the Valley of Clouds.