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Hidden Figures

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Why is it important that Mrs. Mitchell (the blonde lady) finally calls Dorothy “Mrs. Vaughan”?
Mrs. Mitchell now sees Dorothy as an equal, and respects her.
Which one of the main characters obtained an engineering degree?
What action does Paul Stafford perform that shows that he respects Katherine at the end of the film?
He gets her a cup of coffee.
Who was the president at the time of the launch?
John F. Kennedy
What was the name of the spaceship that Katherine helped to launch into orbit?
Friendship 7
What country was the United States in a "space race" with?
Why did John Glenn have to come back to Earth early?
His heat shield was defective.
Which of the women was promoted to Supervisor of the Programming Department?
What did they call the female mathematicians?
True or False: The USA was the first country to put a man in space.
What was the 'Space Race'?
Countries competing to put the first man in space
In real life, Mary Jackson was promoted by NASA in 1958 making her what?
NASA's first black female engineer
What does John Glenn insist must happen after a last minute problem arises right before launch?
He specifically wants Katherine to fix the miscalculation
When Katherine is moved back to her old job, what gift did the Space Task Force give her?
A pearl necklace
What ancient method was suggested to solve a mathematical problem?
Euler's Method
What is Mary trying to accomplish by going to court?
Get permission to take night classes at an all white school
What did Dorothy do to make herself and her department vital to NASA (and keep their jobs)?
She taught herself (and then others) how to operate the IBM
Why was Dorothy nervous about NASA's new IBM 7090 computer?
It could put the entire department out of a job
Why did Katherine have to leave her new work space for long periods of time?
To use the only colored bathroom on NASA's property
What is the name of the first American to orbit the earth?
John Glenn
What organization did Katherine, Mary, and Dorothy work for?
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
Where does the movie take place?
Hampton, Virginia
Q. What decade does this movie take place?