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future forms. life choices and phrasal verbs u2  ...

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Teachers sometimes have to ...a lot of disrespect from students
deal with
What do you do to ...after a long day?
chill out
I'm exhausted because I am ... a marathon
training for
You should ... your French before you go to Paris
brush up
When you go abroad, make sure you ...all the landmarks
get to know
A lot of English teachers ... their own institute
set up
If you ... the course now, you will get a discount
sign up for
this year I'm going to ... running to get fit
take up
what time / PE start?
what time does PE start?
I think cars / fly in the future
I think cars will fly in the future
future forms are easy! You / do well in the test
you will do well in the test
We / watch the new Dr Strange film this Sunday. I've bought the tickets
We are watching the new Dr Strange fim
when the summer comes, she / sign up for different courses
she is going to sign up for different courses
6 units for the test? I / be difficult!
It will be difficult
I can't see you tomorrow. I / play football with some partners
I'm playing football with some partners
I'm sure I / win the lottery one day
I'm sure I will win the lottery one day
"I don't have any money." "then I / pay for the taxi"
then I will pay for the taxi
the film / not finish at 3. it / finish at 4
the film doesn't finish at 3. it finishes at 4.
when / the film start?
when does the film start?
don't worry! your baby / be very healthy and beautiful
your baby will be very healthy and beautiful
What time / the train leave?
What time does the train leave?
"it's really cold in here." "I / close the window"
I'll close the windoe
where you / study when you finish school?
where are you going to study when you finish school?
you / go out this weekend?
are you going out this weekend?
there is someone at the door. Ok I/ see who that is
Ok, I will see who that is