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Trivia on Kit-Bull

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the woman going to do?
She is going to take the kitten and the dog to her home.
What are the kitten and the dog going to do?
The kitten and the dog are going to escape from the man.
What are the kitten and the dog going to do?
They are going to become best friends ever.
What is the dog going to do?
The dog is going to save the kitten.
Is the kitten going to play with the dog?
No. He is going to run away from the dog.
Is the kitten going to eat the bottle cap?
No. The kitten is going to play with the bottle cap.
Are the kitten and the dog going to fight?
No. They are not going to fight.
What is the kitten going to do?
He is going to sleep next to the teddy elephant.
What is the kitten going to do?
The kitten is going to hide his fish somewhere.