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Two childrens went to the living room. (grammar)
I don't have nothing to do.
I have nothing to do / I don't have anything to do.
We can meet each others on Sunday. (grammar)
each other
My parents where feeling great. (spelling)
They was very surprised and happy with us after lunch. (grammar)
Then we went in the kitchen. (grammar)
The children decided to cooked. (grammar)
to cook
Last weekend my parents were very tired because they have worked for all the week. (grammar)
... because they (had) worked
I hope your fine. (spelling)
We needed to do lunch. (wrong word)
We met our parents who remembered us to cook lunch. (wrong word)
I went to visit he. (grammar)
Mum asked Laura if she could cook the dinner. (grammar)
cook dinner
I'm free on friday. (spelling)
They saw their parents in the sofa. (grammar)
on the sofa
Now I have dinner, so bye!
Now I'm having dinner, so bye!
I prefere on Saturday because I don't have a lot of homework. (spelling)
Thank for the email.
Thanks/Thank you for the email.
I'm also thinking about where can we go. (word order)
...where we can go