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Observing Weather

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is a landslide?
is a rapid movement of rocks and soil down a hill.
True or False: Land slides can happen on land or the ocean.
What is a flood?
Water that flows over land that is normally dry.
True or False: If the center of an earthquake is in the ocean, there could be an tsunami alert, depending on the strength of the earthquake.
What is an earthquake?
is the shaking of the earth's surface
How do you prepare for a natural Hazard?
Teacher grades the answer
What are the 4 seasons?
Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter
True or False: A weather map tells the temperatures, precipitation, and other upcoming weather predictions over a large area.
What is Wind?
Moving air
True or False: Air pressure is the force of air pressing down on your face.
False, pressing down on the Earth's surface.
The 4 different forms of precipitation are:
Snow, sleet, hail, and rain
True or false: The higher the temperature (Example: 75°F) the colder the weather.
A ___________ is a tool that scientists put into space. It travels around the Earth and collects data about large areas.
___________ ______________ is the name of a tool that is launched into the air, with devices that collect data about the atmosphere.
Weather Balloon
What is a metal bar that safely directs lightning into the ground?
lightning rod
How do we call a wall built along the sides of rivers and other bodies of water to prevent them from overflowing?
How do we call a wall built to reduce or prevent flooding in an area?
What is a natural event such as flood, earthquake, or hurricane that causes great damage?
Natural Hazard
_________________ is a time of the year with different weather patterns.
What is the pattern of weather at a certain place over a long period of time?
What is the name of the imaginary line through Earth's center?
How do we call what the air is like at a certain time and place?
How do we call a measure of how hot or cold something is?
How do we call water that falls to the ground from the atmosphere? Hint: is not rain
What is a blanket of gases and tiny bits of dust that surround Earth?