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C1 Advanced Key Word Transformations

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Delia said she would no longer tolerate her colleagues being rude (PUT)
put up with
I don't remember anything about Saturday night! (RECOLLECTION)
I have no recollection of
I thought you wanted me to invite him (IMPRESSION)
I was under the impression (that)
You should do more housework! (HIGH)
It's high time you did
You should never disturb anyone when they are sleepwalking (CIRCUMSTANCES)
Under no circumstances should you
I had just arrived when she insisted on going out again. (SOONER)
No sooner had I arrived than
I'm phoning for my brother, who is too ill to come to the phone. (BEHALF)
on behalf of
She'll probably end up getting sacked (CHANCES)
The chances are
She didn't want to join in with the singing. (TAKE)
take part in
Gaynor's friends persuaded her not to get married. (TALKED)
talked her out of getting
I don't mind where we go. (DIFFERENCE)
It makes no difference (to me)
My brother was very surprised to be offered the job. (CAME)
came as a surprise to
I don't think you'll find it hard to locate Clare's house. (DIFFICULTY)
have any difficulty (in) locating
She can’t even boil an egg, so she definitely can’t (ALONE) cook a full meal for ten people.
let alone cook a full meal
The teenagers ignored (NOTICE) me and carried on smoking and playing loud music.
took no notice of me
I didn’t remember seeing (RECOLLECTION) Julia on Saturday night until I saw her at work on Monday morning.
I had no recollection of seeing/having seen Julia
I am sure that (DOUBT) the show will be a resounding success.
I am in no doubt that
She has a great reputation (HIGHLY) in the local area. We should hire her.
She is highly spoken of
8. The project failed because there wasn’t enough (DUE) funding from the local government.
due to a lack of funding
After this evening’s performance there will be (FOLLOWED) a question and answer session with the director.
This evening's performance will be followed by a question....
There’s a low probability that she will beat (CHANCE) her rival to the trophy.
She stands/has a slim chance of beating
He is almost definitely going to win (CHANCE) the championship this year.
he stands/has every chance of winning
2. Leaving this door open may lead to (IN) the monkeys escaping.
will result in
Sorry I’m late, I didn’t realise what time it was. (TRACK)
I lost track of time
There will probably be job losses at the company due to a drop in sales. (LIKELIHOOD)
In all likelihood, there will be job losses
Most people expect the president to lose the upcoming election. (WIDELY)
The president is widely expected to lose
His son’s failure to get into a good college was disappointing for him. (SOURCE)
was a source of great disappointment to him
We could meet at 9am Thursday morning, I hope that this suggestion is acceptable to you. (MEETS)
meets with your approval
His love of jazz music started when he visited New Orleans 20 years ago. (DATES)
dates back to his visit to New Orleans
Can you drive me to the airport in the morning? (LIFT)
give me a lift
Since getting promoted, I’ve struggled to deal with/understand my new responsibilities. (GRIPS)
to get to grips with my new....
Despite what most people think, not all Mexican food is spicy. (CONTRARY)
Contrary to popular opinion/belief,
The match has been cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances. (CALLED)
called off
Investigators are trying to deduce what happened after they lost contact with the pilot of the plane. (PIECE)
to piece together what happened
Without Charlie, I would still be working in that dead-end job. (BEEN)
If it hadn't been for Charlie, / Had it not been for Charlie,
It took her a while to understand and accept the death of her parents. (TERMS)
to come to terms with the death....
It was the first time I had seen such a beautiful display of dance. (NEVER)
never have I seen such a beautiful...
Based on his last will and testament, the majority of his fortune was donated to charity. (ACCORDANCE)
in accordance with
I didn’t recognise the number that was calling me but in the end it was my brother on his new phone. (TURNED)
it turned out to be my brother
Steve is almost always late for work. (HARDLY)
Steve hardly ever gets to more on time.
She definitely wasn’t pleased to see her ex-boyfriend sitting at the bar when she came in. (HAVE)
she can't have been pleased
I’m on holiday next week but please give me regular updates on how the project is going. (PICTURE)
keep me in the picture
I need to refresh and revise my German before my trip to Berlin next month. (BRUSH)
brush up on my German
The teacher pretended not to see the students who were whispering at the back of the class. (EYE)
turned a blind eye to
Could you watch my bag while I go to the toilet? (EYE)
keep an eye on
Based on the evidence we have we think the accident was caused by human error. (TELL)
as far as we can tell