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Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I explained the homework but she did the wrong page. She _____ misunderstood me.
must have
use DISSAPROVAL in a sentence
Answer will vary
Use DISCONTENT in a sentence
Answer will vary
What? She _________ failed her English test! She is so smart and participative
can't have failed
Why were there no buses yesterday? Maybe it was the snow or they _____ been on strike.
might have been
Use DISTINGUISH in a sentence
Answer will vary
the teacher didn't show up today , he ___________ (be) sick (speculation)
might have been sick
you broke up with him? he __________ (mistreat) you (modal verb certainty)
must have mistreated you
Andrea arrived late today, she __________ (forget) to turn on her alarm (modal for certantity)
she must have forgotten
Use TRIGGER in a sentence
Answer will vary
Use ENDLESS in a sentence
Answer will vary
An earthquake? That must have terrifying! Where is the mistake in the sentence ... if any
That must have been terrifyng
My girlfriend is perfect She ____________ cheated on me (Modal verb for certainty)
can't have cheated
Do you remember my birthday party last year? You _____ remember! It was the same day as your girlfriend broke up with you
_________ pollution, there is an alternative to help the environment (Linker similar to say "about" or "in reference to")
Use bloody in a sentence
Answer will vary