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Vocabulary 1 - 3U

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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upstairs: towards or on the highest floor or floors of a building
part of speech: adverb, adjective. He heard glass breaking and ran upstairs to see what had caused it.
underground: below the surface of the earth; below ground
part of speech: adverb/ adjective. Moles live underground.
workshop: a room or building where things are made or repaired using machines and/or tools
part of speech: noun. The store sent our vacuum cleaner to the workshop to be repaired.
utility room:a room, especially in a house, where large pieces of useful equipment such as a washing machine can be kept and where things can be stored imagen de utility room
part of speech: noun. Our utility room is in the basement
terrace: a flat area of stone or grass outside a house, where people sit and sometimes eat
part of speech: noun. It's nice to have lunk on the terrace in summer.
study: a room used for studying, reading and writing.
part of speech: noun. My dad is an enginner and his study is filled with books.
shed: a small building, usually made of wood, used for storing things
part of speech: noun. All the things I need for Christmas are in the shed.
porch: a raised, covered, sometimes partly closed area, often made of wood, on the front or side of a building
part of speech: noun. We sat out on the porch to cool off.
playroom: a room intended for children to play in
part of speech: noun. Younger children, ages 3 to 8, were seen in a playroom
loft: a space at the top of a building under the roof, used for storage or sometimes made into a room, or a raised area built over part of a room that is used esp. for sleepingntered by a ladder, or sometimes made into a room for living in
part of speech: noun. Lofts are ofteng used as storage spaces.
landing: a level, open area at the top of a flight of stair
part of speech: noun. We climbed the stairs and rested on the second-floor landing.
hall: the area just inside the main entrance of a house, apartment, or other building that leads to other rooms and usually to the stairs
part of speech: noun. I left my bags in the hall.
guest room: a bedroom in a house for visitors to sleep in
part of speech: noun. Glenda finally agrees to let him sleep in a guest room
garage: a building where a car is kept, built next to or as part of a house
part of speech: noun. Did you put the car in the garage?
deck: a wooden floor outside a house, usually with railings (= a low fence) and without a roof
part of speech: noun. In summer, we always eat out on the deck – except when it rains.
conservatory: a room with glass walls and a glass roof, usually connected to a house, used for growing plants or for relaxing in
part of speech: noun. I like to be in the conservatory and drik a juice-
basement: a part of a building consisting of rooms that are partly or completely below the level of the ground
part of speech: noun. Our kitchenware department is in the basement.
balcony: an area with a wall or bars around it that is joined to the outside wall of a building on an upper level
part of speech: noun. Our hotel room has a balcony that looks out over the pool.
attic: the space or room at the top of a building, under the roof, often used for storing things
part of speech: noun. I've got boxes of old clothes in the attic