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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name 3 things that you wear on your legs
leggings, jeans, trousers
Name 3 types of clothes starting with S
shoes, sock, slippers
Name 3 things you should wear if you go to the gym
shorts, t-shirts, trainers
Name 3 things you wear around your neck
scarf, tie, necklace
Name 3 clothes or accessories made from leather
watch, shoes, belt, jacket
Name something you should wear in the sauna
nothing (or a towel)
Name 3 sports where you have to wear gloves
formula one, boxing, baseball
Name 3 types of makeup
lipstick, mascara, eye shadow
Name 3 things you wear on your hands or wrist
gloves, ring, bracelet, watch
Name 2 things you wear when you sleep
pyjamas, slippers, socks
Name 3 types of material
leather cotton, wool
Name 3 things you can wear on your head
crown, baseball cap, cowboy hat
What do you wear to protect your eyes from the sun?
Name 5 things that you wear on your feet
shoes, socks, boots, slippers, ice skates
Name 3 things you should wear at the swimming pool
swimsuit, goggles, swimming cap, flippers
Name 3 things a man should wear to a job interview
suit, tie, shirt
Name 3 types of jewellery
ring, necklace, bracelet
Name 3 famous fashion designers
Gucci, Versace, Chanel, etc
Name three jobs where you have to wear a uniform
Police officer, pilot, soldier
Name four things you should wear in the winter.
boots, jacket, scarf, hat