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True or false : doors can get stuck in the summer because the heat expands it ?¿Las puertas pueden quedarse atascadas en verano porque el calor lo expande?
When something loses heat it gets ______
What happens when you heat something up?¿Qué pasa cuando calientas algo?
It expands/ gets bigger
True or false: evaporation happens quickly
False: slowly
From gaseous to liquid is called ______?
Water that turns into ice is an example of what process?¿El agua que se convierte en hielo es un ejemplo de qué proceso?
Melting takes place when a _____ melts into a ____
Solid melts into a liquid
What are the 3 statues of matter ?
Solid, liquid, gas
What can make matter change ? (72)
True or false : matter is found in 4 different states
False :3
BONUS : what unit do we measure temperature in the United States? Faren____?(°F)
What unit do we use to measure temperature?
Centigrade (°C)
What tool do we measure temperature with?
A thermometer
When something loses heat, it’s temperature ______.
True or false: when something is HEATED, it’s temperature DECREASES
false: increase
True or false : forces can make objects change their shape
True or false: you need a force to make an object move.
True or false: forces can make objects break.
Gravity attracts all objects towards the ____of the earth.La gravedad atrae a todos los objetos hacia el ____ de la tierra.
_____is a force that acts from a distance
How can a force act from a distance ? ¿Cómo puede una fuerza actuar a distancia?
Using a magnet ?
True or false : forces can act from a distance? ¿las fuerzas pueden actuar a distancia?