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Real and Unreal Conditionals

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name the conditional - I will go to work tomorrow, if i'm not sick.
First conditional
Name the conditional - If the weekend is cold, I won't go to the beach
First conditional
Name the conditional - If it is hot, I sweat
Zero conditional
Name the conditional - If I were you, I wouldn't go see that movie.
Second conditional
Make the correct conditional - Found gold, make ring
If I found gold, I would make a ring
Make the correct conditional - Go to beach, sunny in rainy season
If it were sunny in rainy season, I would go to the beach
Make the correct conditional - Too tired tonight, order takeaway
If I am too tired tonight, I will order a takeaway
Make the correct conditional - Fallen over, hurt knee
If I hadn't fallen over, I wouldn't have hurt my knee
Make the correct conditional - Win a million dollars, buy a boat.
If I won a millionaire dollars, I would buy a boat
Make the correct conditional - Don't water plants, die
If you don't water plants, they die
Make the correct conditional - Go to a party tonight, not too tired.
If I am not too tired, I will go to the party tonight.
Make the correct conditional - I didn't wash the dishes. My mum got really angry at me.
If I had washed the dishes, my mum wouldn't have gotten angry at me.
Make the correct conditional. I didn't bring lunch, I spent a lot of money on food.
If I had brought my lunch, I wouldn't have had to spend a lot of money.
Name the conditional - If I had studied, I would have passed the exam
Third Conditional
Name the conditional - If you mix red and yellow, you get orange
Zero Conditional
Name the conditional - If I get paid today, I will go shopping
First Conditional
Name the conditional - If the temperature reaches zero degrees Celsius, water freezes
Zero Conditional
Name the conditional- If I met the President, I would be too nervous to speak
Second Conditional
Name the conditional - If I had known how you were going to react, I would have kept my mouth shut
Third Conditional