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Horizontal and vertical distances

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Move point D 7 units left, plot it on the diagram and write the new coordinate
Move point A 6 units down, plot it on the diagram and write the new coordinate
without plotting the points, what is the vertical distance between these two coordinate points (1,-10) and (1,-1))
-1 - (-10) >>>> -1+10 or 10 -1 = 9 units
without plotting the points, what is the horizontal distance between these two coordinate points (5,0) and (-2,0)
5-(-2) >>>> 5+2=7 units
For line CD, which coordinate is not changing x or y? and the vertical difference between point C and D is ___ units.
x coordinate (3) is not changing, and the vertical difference between C and D is 5 units
For line AB, which coordinate is not changing x or y? and the horizontal difference between point A and B is ___ units.
y coordinate (2) is not changing, and the horizontal difference between A and B is 4 units
A line having coordinate points (2,1) (1,1) (0,1) (-6,1). Which coordinate is not changing x or y? and the line will be parallel to x axis or y-axis?
y coordinate is always 1, the line will be parallel to the x-axis
A line having coordinate points (-2,-1) (-2,0) (-2,2) (-2,3). Which coordinate is not changing x or y? and the line will be parallel to x axis or y-axis?
x coordinate is always -2, the line will be parallel to the y-axis