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Migration to Madinah

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Where did the prophet and abu bakr hide?
Cave thawr
What did the prophet recite as he escaped?
Surah yaseen
What was the assassination plot?
One member from each tribe to attack at once
Who was the old man from Najd?
Who would meet the prophet and abu bakr at night and provide info?
Abdullah ibn Abu Bakr
Who stayed as a decoy?
Who accompanied the Prophet s.a.w. on the hirah?
Abu bakr
Madinah residents?
Migrators from Makkah?
Who spoke for the Prophet s.a.w.?
Al Abbas
What did the Madinah people offer the Prophet s.a.w.?
How many pledges of Aqabah were there?
Which two beliefs did the people of Madinah have?
How many people were present in the first pledge?
10 K, 2 A
Who was sent with the new Muslims to help teach Islam?
Musab bin umayr
What was mentioned in the pledge?
Believe in Allah alone, no slander, no stealing, no adultery, obey RasulAllah, don't kill children
What word was used to describe the Prophet s.a.w.?
Where did Aws and Khazraj hear about the Prophet?
How many people came originally?
What did Khazraj come to do?
Who came to Makkah to hear the message first?
Where did Aws and Khazraj live?
Who were the Ansaar?
Aws + Khazraj