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Everybody 2

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What do you eat breakfast?
It's seven o'clock
Is there a clock in the kitchen?
No, there isn't
Is there a sofa in the living room?
Yes there is
What is he doing?
He is listen to music.
Is she talking? (-)
No, she isn't. She is sleeping
What is he doing?
He is writing
What are you doing?
I'm singing
What are you wearing?
I'm wearing pants
What is it?
It is a dress
Do you like milk? (-)
No, I'm not. I like cheese
Does he have bananas?
No, he doesn't.
What do you want?
I want french fries
Does she like soup?
No, she doesn't. She likes spaghetti
Where are the students?
The students are at school
Where's the cook? (she)
She's at the hospital
Are they police officers?
No, they aren't. They are firefighters
Is she a nurse?
No, she isn't. She is a teacher
Is he a doctor?
Yes, he is
What can you smell?
I can smell a flower
What can you see?
I can see a bird
Are they tired?
No, he isn't. They are excited
Are you thirsty?
No. I"m not. I'm hungry
Is he cold?
Yes, he is.
Is she happy?
No.She isn't. She is sad