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What happens when two materials have different electrical charge?
They attract each other.
Difference between electric charge and static electricity.
All matter has an electrical charge but the static electricity is when the bodies become electrified with more positive or negative charges when they are rubbed
Name the quality of sound that lets us differentiate between the sound of a guitar and a piano playing the same note at the same volume.
How is the pitch of a lion?
How is the pitch of a bird chirping?
How is the pitch of the heartbeat?
How is the pitch of a double bass?
How is the pitch of a violin?
Name the qualities of sound?
Volume, pitch and timbre.
If there is atrain coming...how would we hear it first, through air or ground?
Ground, because is a denser material and  the sound vibrates more.
True or false: Sound travels better and faster in space.
False. Because sound travels better when the medium is denser and there is no air in space. (vaccum)
During a storm...Do you think you see the lightning bolt first or hear the thunder first? Why?
We see the lightning bolt first because light travels faster than sound.
Name a form of energy that is produced by the vibration of bodies...
When I can see my face in the surface of smooth water...Is it an example of reflection or refraction?
Reflection (Light changes direction when hitting an object)
A mirror is an example of reflexion or refraction?
Reflection (Light changes direction when hitting an object)
A microscope is an example of reflexion or refraction?
Refraction (It refracts the light and makes objects seem larger)
A telescope is an example of reflexion or refraction?
Refraction (It refracts the light and makes objects seem larger)
What is called a material that doesn´t allow the light to pass through them?
Opaque materials.
Which material will allow light to pass through them but will disperse it? window, sun glasses or mirror?
Sun glasses, because is a translucent material.
At what speed does sound travel?
340 metres per second.
At what speed does light travel?
300.000 Km a second
How does light travel?
It travels in straight lines in all directions until it reaches a body.
What type of light source is a star?
What type of light source is a light bulb?
Name the form of energy that is needed to see and to develope life...
What do we call the bodies that emit light?
Light sources.
Name the change of state: When you are in the car and the windows get foggy...
Name the change of state: When a puddle begins to have a layer of ice in the winter...
Name the change of state: I left my ice-cream out of the freezer for a long time...
Name the change of state: When you heat water in a kettle...
What would we observe if we change a mercury thermometer from a warm body to a cooler one?
Change in volume. The mercury would contract because the temperature is lower.
Why does a wooden door get stuck sometimes in the summer?
Because when we increase the temperature of the matter the volume increases (The wood of the door expands and doesn´t fit in the door frame)
How do we measure the heat?
Using a thermometer.
True or false: All bodies have a temperature...
Which spoon is better to stir a hot soop so you don´t burn your hand, metal or wood? Why?
Wood. Because is a thermal insulator.
Through what type of materials does heat travel more quicky?
Thermal conductors
True or false: Heat always travels from the colder body to the warmer one.
Name the type of energy: Is the transfer of energy from two bodies that are at different temperatures...