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Addition and Subtraction word problems

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Mrs. Pang has 20 students in her class. Mrs. Pang baked 15 chocolate chip cookies and 10 oatmeal cookies. Will she have enough?
15+10=25, yes
Ms. Bree bought 24 pencils for the class. She lost 6 pencils in the car. Ms. Bree was only able to find 3 pencils. How many pencils does she have now?
24-6= 18 18+3=21 pencils
Henry has 20 pieces of candy. He gave 5 to his sister and 5 to his brother. How many pieces of candy does he have left?
20-5-5=10 pieces of candy
Chloe made 12 chocolate cupcakes and 10 vanilla cupcakes. Her family ate 5 cupcakes. How many cupcakes does she have left?
12+10= 22 22-5= 17 cupcakes left